About Us
Royal Leadership Consults Equips, Empowers And Enables Transformational Leaders.
We use our Leadership Index to help you find your Leadership and unveil the extent of your individual, organisational and national development.
The current tide of crisis and challenges facing Organisations and Nations today is a pointer to the rising need for Transformational Leaders around the Globe to help chart new courses of personal productivity and national prosperity. Despite this urgency, we cannot ignore the preparation process and attempt to fill the Leadership vacuum half baked. Hence, Equipping, Empowering and Enabling leaders remains the core of RLCs existence.
We use our Leadership Index to help you find your Leadership and unveil the extent of your individual, organisational and national development. The results of this test will furnish the trajectory of travel for your leadership journey. Organisations and Nations are only as productive as those that lead them. Its time strategize, optimize and maximize your Leadership potential.
Ready to lead?

Discover A Better Approach To Leading.
Royal Leadership consulting has acquired years if experience in developing and delivery training across the private and public sector. The desire of RLC is to accelerate change agents to lead better and make more impact.

Executive Leadership Training
An extraordinary, unconventional opportunity to invest in your success as a leader.

One-On-One Coaching
We are accredited leadership experts, trainers and coaches through the John Maxwell Certified Programme.

Management Training
This is where you learn all the basics of Management and how to be an effective manager.

Royal Leadership Academy
This online course is ideal for budget-conscious, self-motivated individuals who aspire to become confident leaders and memorable speakers.
Who Says The Poor Must Stay Poor?: A Strategy Moving You from Third World to First World Productivity.
The prevailing rate of poverty in our societies has remained the concern of individuals, governments, NGO’s, stakeholders and spiritual institutions. Many agencies have come to floor this monster but the epidemic seems to defer all manner of solutions.
The author expresses practical steps to apply to eradicate extreme poverty once and for all. He shows the way out of this paradox (poverty in the midst of plenty) by erecting three pillars of culture, people, and leadership. He also goes further to connect potential to several power points, power links and power routes in the bid to unlock the wealth of mankind.
As you journey through this wealth of knowledge you are bound to experience enough power to move you to the next level. Who says the poor must stay poor remains a strategy for individual and national transformation.
As certified John Maxwell Leadership Experts
we provide cutting edge strategies to enhancing your leadership skills